Yet another teaser

Since I've reached my Flickr upload limit for the month (thank you, ravelry), I don't have all my New York pics up. So I have to wait 7 days to show you the full album in all its glory.
Actually, it's kind of lopsided - so many tourists were ticking me off by stopping in the street and taking pictures of things that I didn't want to be associated with them. Therefore, there are not a lot of pictures of things with crowds in them. I also did not manage, somehow, to take pics of the cute apartment, or even the neighborhood, where we stayed. I also didn't take any pictures at habu textiles, but I will, at some point, take pics of the yarn that I bought.
There are, however, lots and lots of beach pics:

Oh, and Gina? This one is for you:

Also, here. I really wish I could understand Russian, but I followed along rather well.
I'm so jealous!!! Where's the yarn??? I hope you had a great time!
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