Sonnet Stitches

Knitting, mostly. With occasional kvetching, lots of adventures, gratuitous cat photos and a healthy appreciation for the absurd.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Adventures in brioche

So I've finished mountains of things, all of them gifts, all of them at the last minute, and none of them photographed...

...except this one:

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I decided I wanted to learn to do two-color brioche stitch, so I dug into a back issue of Interweave Knits (Winter 2005). My goal was to make a reversible scarf, as the alternative is constant fiddling to make sure the scarf's (ahem) back side isn't hanging out for all the world to see. Unfortunately, I discovered that the instructions, while very spiffy and easy to follow, were based on instructions for a two-color sweater and thus, not reversible. Observe:

Smooth decrease on the right side:

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Nasty decrease on the wrong side:

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Well. We weren't going to have any of that.

So, I did some finagling, involving alternately 1)a safety pin in a CC stitch hanging out in mid-air on row one of the three-row decrease to be picked up on the next row or 2)when I was lazy, undoing a decrease stitch on row two of the three-row decrease, releasing the trapped CC stitch from its shackles, and putting the MC and yarnover back together.

Aha! Success!

Right side:

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Wrong side:

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Tada! Reversible two-color brioche.

I am certain someone has already invented it with 1)a better method and 2)more detailed instructions, so now I am on a quest to find it so I can better explain the process to the other people at the yarn shop who were mildly fascinated.

In the meantime, though, I have a modest feeling of accomplishment after engineering a better stitch than the one I was given. I also have a shiny red and black reversible scarf in Lamb's Pride Bulky (ignore the tuft of Jo-hair hanging in front of the lens next to the mo-hair, ha ha):

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... AND I have an extremely cute scarf model who was nice enough to humor me when I decided to chase him with the camera at 1 a.m.:

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I think that means I win.


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