About Me
- Name: Jo
- Location: Midwest, United States
Hi. I'm a 29-year-old transplanted ex-newspaper hack ... but I'm still an editor, more or less. I've been married to my extremely patient, twistedly humorous, and otherwise fabulous spouse since August 2003. I have two neurotic cats, but I can't afford therapy for them so I buy catnip instead. I'm a (slightly sporadic) gym rat and a (mostly vegetarian) foodie and a (borderline dangerous) coffee addict and I knit (obsessively). I'm also exuberantly fond of adjectives and the color green.
Previous Posts
- Gym-nastics
- Oz gets fleeced
- A little wanderTrekking lust. . .
- Too much knitting, not enough photography
- Sweater curse
- Warm hands, warm heart
- Fiber = Fun
- Mesh and ruffles
- Things I Need on a T-shirt. . .
- HRH's Thermal Undershirt socks
People I spy on:
Watch this space:

WhenI do it, I absolutely love. Lots and lots of building blocks and then I have to stop. I have a half done Lady Eleanor stole and I'm afraid that if I pick it back up, it will take over my life again, so I look at it and look at it and look at it.
Love the socks. Bet they look amazing!!
Both the socks and the blanket are amazing! You rock. :)
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