Snuggie bankie
My coworker is this ||<---- close to giving birth.
And I want her to hurry up and do it already so I can see her bambino wrapped up in this:

If you can (and I know it's hard), ignore the obvious construction flaws and check out some of the individual stitch patterns.
Barbara Walker may not be someone with whom I would ever like to have a conversation about anything, but she has some damn fine knitting books. My new knitting book policy of trial-by-library has concluded with my having to buy at least two of her stitch collections because I have maxed out my renewal privileges. Dead useful. And I'm getting a lot of stranger admiration, too.
I mean, look at this cable:

And this cute little guy:

I sewed a fabric backing on the blanket; I found children's pajama material (aka nonflammable) in the discount bin at JoAnn's and it had the exact same color stripes. This allowed me to stuff the turtle shell so it wouldn't pucker when you pet him.
Most of the problems with the blanket stem from the fact that a)I had no plan b)cables pull in and no amount of blocking can help you and c)I had no plan. I knit four mitered corners, picked up stitches, flipped through the book until I found something that looked beach-y and could be adapted to match my stitch count, and away I went.

I was exactly a week late for her baby shower, and so I showed up with my gift on Monday and she wasn't at work. Drat thought I, she spawned.
No -- she got in a car wreck. Somebody rear-ended her on the way to work and totaled her car. He didn't even get out to see if she was OK.
Now, I know insurance companies have rules about whether you should apologize, ask the other person if he or she is OK, etc. I know insurance companies have even stricter rules when the person in question is driving a company car.
If I rear-ended a vehicle, and the result was a 9+-month pregnant woman struggling out of a smoking car, I WOULD GET OUT AND ASK IF SHE WERE OK.
We postulated that he didn't get out of the car because he had another sort of accident when he saw her stand up.
She's OK (and bruised) and the Bean is OK. Her brand new car, however, is toast.
But she loved her blanket. It apparently matches her nursery perfectly. Her husband took video of it. I felt special.
Here are some shots of my lovely assistant admiring the work (I'm also posting these in an effort to shame myself into laying off the junk food; look at what's happened to my face since I last posted photos.):

So now I'm working on one for another coworker -- her nursery is Mother Goose themed, so thanks to Barbara Walker I have gingerbread houses and Jack and the Beanstalk cooking on my needles. Again, I'm getting lots of Knitting (and nonknitting) Stranger Love.
The rest of the household?
Not so much.

Awesome blankie! How creative - I love it when people dare to not follow a pattern or eveness rules. Woo hoo!!!
And I'm extra glad she's OK. I hope your soiling theory is correct, otherwise that's awful.
What a wonderful blankie! I particularly like the turtle, it's awesome. I expected intarsia, but a texture turtle is just so creative!
Great job on the choice of bright colors, too. So many people buy or make pastels for babies, but babies can't see pastels. They see black and white first, then bright colors, and pastels only much, much later. Your blankie is fabulous!
What a great blanket! So sad to hear that your friend got in an accident, but glad to hear she is ok.
I agree - I am so in awe of people who can just wing it and throw symmetry to the wind. Very "Quilts of Gee's Bend" of you!
And the "lining the back with fabric so you can stuff the turtle puffy" idea is brilliant. I adore interactive blankies for kids - I try to always put workable buttons 'n' straps or pockets on mine.
~ hb33 ~
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